OONI Run Survey & Interviews: Share your feedback


OONI Run is a platform that you can use to generate mobile deep links and widget code to coordinate OONI Probe testing.

Researchers and human rights defenders around the world have used OONI Run to coordinate OONI Probe censorship measurement campaigns, particularly leading up to and during political events (such as elections and protests).

We’re excited to hear more about your experience with OONI Run so that we can improve it.

If you’ve used OONI Run or are interested in potentially coordinating OONI Probe testing, please complete our survey and/or participate in an interview to share your feedback.


We’d love to hear your thoughts on OONI Run.

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey: https://ooni.typeform.com/to/r9c5ee

We’re particularly interested in learning about how you use the OONI Run platform, the challenges you experienced, which features you find most helpful, and whether you have any “wish list” features in mind that you would like to see in future versions of OONI Run.

The survey includes 18 questions (most of which are multiple choice) and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.


We also encourage you to participate in a 15 minute interview to share your feedback and let us know how we can make OONI Run more useful for you.

We are particularly seeking to interview:

If you’re interested in participating in these interviews, please notify us via the survey or send an email to [email protected].

Thanks for your time. Your feedback will help us improve OONI Run for a global community!
